We successfully made it to the LAN in formal attire, and had an absolute BLAST. James stayed for the night and owned until the sun rose again, while Matthew had other committments to make.


Here we see James early in the LAN

Here we see James early in the LAN


Here we are in our formal suits... That smile on James' face is due to him owning everyone :/

Here we are in our formal suits...


Intensely gaming, camera timer ftw.

Intensely gaming, camera timer ftw.

My laptop is shiny :D

My laptop is shiny 😀


I came first on my team. But I was dead at the end :(

I came first on my team. But I was dead at the end 🙁


Babo Violent 2 is an awesome LAN game!

Babo Violent 2 is an awesome LAN game!

We had a lot of fun.

– Matthew